Returns Policy

MooGoo has a 100% customer satisfaction policy. If you’re not satisfied with any product(s) you purchased from our website, we’ll happily organize a refund or exchange.

If you’d like to make a refund or exchange request, please email with your order number (which can be found in you order confirmation email), the item(s) that you would like to return, and the reason for the return.

One of our friendly Customer Service team members will reach out to you as soon as possible to arrange to have the product(s) returned to us. When returning products, please keep your proof of return (your tracking number) in the event the parcel goes missing in transit.

Requests for returns and exchanges should be made within 60 days of the original order date and the product(s) must be substantially unused.


Should the need arise to cancel an order after you've placed it, we’ll do our best to accommodate your request. Order cancellation is a time-sensitive action, so please get in touch via phone or email us ASAP at

Please note, that once your order moves into the processing stage in our warehouse, we may no longer be able to cancel it. Should this be the case, we can help facilitate a return upon delivery.